SS – G7 Week 07

Lesson 1 - Monday, Mar 10

Today in science: The best way for students to follow the plant-related work we did in today’s class is to refer to Dr. Merritt’s WFP Development Log, which lists the this lesson’s activities and expectations. Students are also reminded to keep up with their daily/weekly WFP Growth Log. If you need to compare your log with Dr. Merritt’s example, please remember you have full access to his WFP Growth Log document.


Lesson 2 - Tue, Mar 11 (B, C) & Wed, Mar 12 (H)

Today in science: Rather than spend the day making additional plant observations and measurements, students were provided with a blank diagram of a Wisconsin Fast Plant (mustard) flower and asked to label the names of all of the flower structures (students can find copies of this blank diagram in the Google Science Classroom). We then added flower structure functions to our diagram so that we know both the flower structures and their functions. In doing so, we actually ended up discussing plant reproduction when we discovered that flowers have both male and female reproductive structures!

Homework: H period students were told during today’s class that their three Food Web #2 Key Question (KQs) revisions (Q#s 1, 2, and 4ab) are due on FRIDAY, 14 MARCH.

Lesson 3 - Wed, Mar 12 (B, C) & Thu, Mar 13 (H)

Today in science: 

Homework: B period students were told during today’s class that their three Food Web #2 Key Question (KQs) revisions (Q#s 1, 2, and 4ab) are due on THURSDAY, 13 MARCH (or FRIDAY, 14 MARCH). C period students were told during today’s class that their three Food Web #2 Key Question (KQs) revisions (Q#s 1, 2, and 4ab) are due on FRIDAY, 14 MARCH.

Lesson 4 - Thu, Mar 13 (B) & Fri, Mar 14 (C, H)

Today in science: 



The DRIVING QUESTION of our current unit is: Where does food come from?

C & H period homework collection days: Wednesday & Friday.

B period homework collection days: Tuesday & Thursday.

Grade 7 parents can sign up for a Parent-Teacher conference in their Veracross portal. Spring Semester conferences will be held online on Monday, 17 March.