Follow your intelligence. Pursue your passion.

Want to do some science outside of school? Want to watch a good science movie? Want to listen to a good science podcast? Want to find a good science book to read? If you can’t get enough science in Dr. Merritt’s class, then fear not, he’s got you covered with the sections below.


Email, WhatsApp, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, TikTok…you probably send friends and family messengers hundreds of text messages each week and you probably write dozens of comments in group chats. In this section you’ll find a highly curated gallery of emojis–but also creative combinations of emojis–to help ‘scienceify’ your daily messages and comments. 

Embrace your nerdiness. Text with style.

Writing Workshop

Much of the day-to-day work of many research scientists involves countless hours of writing. The Writing Workshop (or WW), which is a sort of website within a website, aims to demystify science writing and help you learn how to produce common school-based scientific texts–such as lab reports and research articles–but with greater authenticity and sophistication than many school science teachers expect (this is why you will also find the WW listed in the Help Center).


