FS – G7 Week 19

Lesson 1 - Monday, Jan 20

Today in science: Students were provided with their last in-class work session dedicated to writing their Practice Essays, Parts 1 and 2. During this time, students had the opportunity to meet with the teacher to get help on either essay (or both!).

Regarding Part 2, students were given the following guidance/tips/suggestions in today’s lesson, which has also been entered into Veracross…

1. Unlike Part 1, there are no word number requirements for this essay.

2. In this essay, you have been asked to explain how DNA is related to AMINO ACIDS and then how AMINO ACIDS are related to EYE COLOR (the way to connect AMINO ACIDS to EYE COLOR is by learning a tiny bit about special “melanin” molecules, which are large, protein-like molecules created by the RIBOSOMES).

3. Be sure you make use of TWO important models that are available to you.

A) The first CLASS CONSENSUS model can be found at this LINK.

B) The second STUDENT model is one you created either yourself or with a small team of classmates in class using words such as DNA, RNA, RIBOSOMES, AMINO ACIDS, and PROTEINS.

4. If you need to watch the DNA video we watched in class to help you better understand DNA, RNA, AMINO ACIDS, and PROTEINS, then you can watch it again with this LINK.

Homework: Dr. M has set a WEDNESDAY, 22 JANUARY deadline for both essays. In other words, both essays must be submitted (turned in) to the Google Classroom prior to the end of the school day on Wednesday, but students will not be given time to work on their essays in class on either Tuesday or Wednesday.

Lesson 2 - Tue, Jan 21 (B, C) & Wed, Jan 22 (H)

Today in science: For the start of our new unit (Unit 7.4), we made a new entry in our Science Notebooks called “INV #5 – Food Log.” This involved recording a detailed list of the foods and drinks we’ve consumed during the last four main meals (plus any snacks). We then classified our foods and drinks according to the following categories: Plant-Based, Animal-Based, and Unknown/Other. We had some difficulty, though, classifying consumable items such as salt, mushrooms, and water.

In both C & H period, we also wrote down our current answers to an important start-of-unit question, What is food? Dr. M has promised to save students answers so that they can look back on these first-day answers at the conclusion of our new unit.

Homework: Dr. M has set a WEDNESDAY, 22 JANUARY deadline for Parts 1 and 2 of the Practice Essays. In other words, both essays must be submitted (turned in) to the Google Classroom prior to the end of the school day on Wednesday, but students will not be given time to work on their essays in class on Wednesday.

Lesson 3 - Wed, Jan 22 (B, C) & Thu, Jan 23 (H)

Today in science: Text

Homework: Text

Lesson 4 - Thu, Jan 23 (B) & Fri, Jan 24 (C, H)

Today in science: Text

Homework: Text


The DRIVING QUESTION of our current unit is: Where does food come from?

C & H period homework collection days: Wednesday & Friday.

B period homework collection days: Tuesday & Thursday.

This is last week of the Fall Semester! Spring Semester begins on Monday, Jan 27.