FS – G6 Week 05

Lesson 1 - Monday, Sep 23

Today in science: All classes finished preparing their science notebooks in preparation for our first ‘official’ investigation. This meant writing Finder’s Notes and creating a Personal Info page.

We then began entering information for INV #1 – MEASURING LIGHT into the Table of Contents and onto the header space (top) of p. 1. In both D & E periods, students had time to properly title page 1 and record/write a Research Question. E period then had time to 1) begin discussing what they image the structure of a one-way mirror might look like, and 2) go a little bit further and prepare–through writing and gluing–additional investigation information.

Homework: Only students who were unable to finish formatting their science notebooks as described in the first paragraph above have homework tonight.

Lesson 2 - Tuesday, Sep 24

Today in science: In preparation for INV #1 – MEASURING LIGHT, students were asked to finish preparing their notebooks by completing the following sections: Research Question, Diagram (Set Up), Data Collection, and Key Words. To see the notebook entry Dr. M projected onto the smartboard as an example for students to follow during today’s lesson, students can visit our online Science Notebook (and then click on the INV #1 link in the Table of Contents).

Homework: There is no science homework tonight.

Lesson 3 - Wed, Sep 25 (D) & Thu, Sep 26 (E)

Today in science: We spent the lesson collecting data for INV #1, in which we managed to successfully test the amount of light transmitted AND reflected by the following materials:

D period: No material (air), Clear glass (a bit dirty), Clear glass (cleaned), Plexiglass, One-way mirror, Wood (clipboard), Wall (rough, whitish), Painted wall (white, smooth), Clothing (white polo shirt), Clothing (red PE shirt), Clothing (dark blue sweater), Clothing (black hoody), Mirror, White paper (no print)

E period: No material (air)…

Homework: There is no science homework tonight.

Lesson 4 - Friday, Sep 27

Today in science: Students were asked to complete the “Representing the Path of Light in Different Situations” handout given to them by Dr. Merritt during today’s class to see how their ideas about light are developing. Dr. Merritt then asked students to begin working on two textbook-based assignments: one involved answering questions on a piece of lined (writing) paper about “Light” and the other questions about “Reflections.” We will be using this new knowledge next week when interpreting and attempting to explain the results of INV #1.

Assignment directions: Students need to answer the following questions in the Activate Science 1 textbook provided by Dr. Merritt in class. 

3.1 “Light” pp. 136-137 
Orange (in-text) questions A & B (not C!)
Blue Summary questions 1 & 2 (not 3!) 

3.2 “Reflections” pp. 138-139
Orange (in-text) questions A & B
Blue Summary questions 1 & 2 (not 3!) 

Students were sent a scanned PDF file of the textbook pages by email that included the entire Glossary section from the back of the book. This PDF file is also available to students in the Google Science Classroom (in the CLASSWORK > 6.1 TEACHER HANDOUTS section).

Homework: Some students may choose to work on the 3.1 “Light” & 3.2 “Reflections” questions during the weekend, but students’ answers to these questions aren’t due until the start of class on Tuesday, 01 Oct.


The DRIVING QUESTION of our current unit is: Why do we see different things when looking at the same object?

#1 - Students can probably expect to see their Interim Effort grades in Veracross sometime before the end of school on Friday.

#2 - ...