FS – G6 Week 07

Lesson 1 - Monday, Oct 7 (45 minutes)

Today in science: We attempted to bring all of our recent learning together–our DIDs, our light box diagrams, our textbook assignments, our vocabulary definitions, etc.–to create our most detailed and accurate version of the Music Lesson Model. To accomplish this, each student was given a large, A3-sized piece of paper on which to draw what we are calling “Final Model v2.0.”

To help students prepare for the test, Dr. M has posted two different blank copies of the Music Lesson Model in the Google Science Classroom.

Homework: To better prepare for Wednesday’s Light unit test (Part 1), Dr. M recommends that students review the Final Model v2.0 that we produced in class on large, A3-sized paper. Students could do one of two exercises (or both, if time!):

1. Study our final drawing for 5 minutes and then try to recreate it from memory. There are two different blank versions of the Pete/Teacher diagram in the Google Science Classroom (Classwork > 6.1 – Teacher Handouts > Music Lesson Model (blank)), which students already know how to import into Notability.

2. Use the final drawing to write two paragraphs: one to explain how Pete sees (for example, his guitar) and another to explain how the Teacher sees (for example, Pete’s hat). When writing the paragraphs, try to use the key vocabulary words we wrote on our final drawing (e.g., transmitted, reflected, scattered, light source, emit).

Lesson 2 - Tuesday, Oct 8 (45 minutes)

Today in science: It is a Light unit test review day. Our activities included…

1. Receiving a matching exercise of key vocabulary words used in our Light unit that students can do at home (there is a blank copy of this handout AND an Answer Key in the “Unit 6.1 – Light Test (Review)” section of the Google Science Classroom!).

2. Drawing two separate diagrams to show how both Pete and the Teacher see what they see in the specific situation we’ve been observing and analyzing throughout the unit. For at least one of these situations, we tried writing a paragraph to explain how light travels in the room. When writing this paragraph, students were strongly encouraged to use the Light Vocabulary handout given to them in today’s class. (There are blank copies of the Peter/Teacher diagrams in the “Unit 6.1 – Light Test (Review)” section of the Google Science Classroom!).

3. Hearing from Dr. M that he would put example paragraphs in the Google Science Classroom which students can compare with any practice paragraphs they produce at home.

Homework: Students should use all of the resources discussed in both Lessons 1 & 2 to review for Wednesday’s Light unit test (Part 1). The Google Science Classroom has a handful of useful resources to help students prepare for Wednesday’s test.

Lesson 3 - Wednesday, Oct 9 (45 minutes)

Today in science: Students took Part 1 of the Light unit test, in which they were asked to 1) draw diagrams of how Pete sees Pete and how the Teacher sees Pete, and 2) write a written explanation of each drawing while making sure to use the required key words in their explanations.

Part 2 of the Light unit test will take place next week (Week 08), but only after students receive and reflect on their graded Part 1.

Homework: There is no science homework tonight.

Lesson 4 - Thursday, Oct 10 (35 minutes)

Today in science: During today’s special 35-minute lesson in which students’ parents were invited to attend, we asked students’ parents to watch the video of Pete’s music lesson and to then try and produce an initial model to explain both how Pete sees himself (but not the music teacher) while the music teacher sees Pete. Among other purposes, Dr. M used this activity to familiarize parents with our phenomenon-based approach to learning science, an approach we will use throughout both Grade 6 and next year in Grade 7.

Homework: There is no science homework during the long weekend.

Friday, Oct 11 (No classes - Parent Teacher conferences)

Today in science: —

Homework: —


The DRIVING QUESTION of our current unit is: Why do we see different things when looking at the same object?

#1 - There is no school for students on Friday, 11 Oct & Monday, 14 Oct due to the annual TASIS Family Weekend.

#2 - ...