FS – G6 Week 11

Lesson 1 - Monday, Nov 4

Today in science: After announcing (and explaning) that Fall Semester midterm grades will be issued next Monday, 11 Nov., Dr. M asked students to find, organize, and submit the assignments completed with the Guest/Substitute Teachers during his recent absence(s). This also involved updating the Table of Contents in our science notebook We also outlined a rough plan for this week’s remaining lessons, which will include studying the structure of one-way mirrors, learning about the human eye, and doing some work to prepare for the Light Unit make-up test.

Homework: As discussed during Monday’s lesson, some D period students have been asked to be sure to finish answering the 8kb & 8kc questions from the (old) Exploring Science 8 textbook by the start of class on Wednesday, 05 Nov. In E period, some students have been asked to be sure to complete worksheets 8Ja-1, 8Ja-4, and 8Ja-6 by the start of class on Thursday, 07 Nov. This is work that was supposed to be completed with the Guest/Substitute teachers during Dr. Merritt’s absences. More assignment details can be found in Veracross.

Lesson 2 - Tuesday, Nov 5

Today in science: In an effort to help those students who wish to retake the Light Unit test better prepare for that opportunity, in today’s class we built a new-and-improved model of Pete and the Music Teacher, which we officially called our “Final, Final Model (v3.0).” Using a combination of selected DID sheets and three light demonstrations with a laser pointer, we showed specifically how light can sometimes reflect at a predictable angle when a material is smooth (like a mirror), but then scatters when a material is rough (like a hat or a wall). We even used protractors to help measure the angles of some of the incoming and reflecting light rays in our drawn model! In E period, we even speculated about the construction of one-way mirrors and examined a reading (handout) to help us better understand them.

Homework: As discussed during Monday’s lesson, some D period students have been asked to be sure to finish answering the 8kb & 8kc questions from the (old) Exploring Science 8 textbook by the start of class on Wednesday, 05 Nov. In E period, some students have been asked to be sure to complete worksheets 8Ja-1, 8Ja-4, and 8Ja-6 by the start of class on Thursday, 07 Nov. This is work that was supposed to be completed with the Guest/Substitute teachers during Dr. Merritt’s absences. More assignment details can be found in Veracross.

Lesson 3 - Wed, Nov 6 (D) & Thu, Nov 7 (E)

Today in science: Using our Final (Final!) model, D period students practiced making a perfect reflection in the teacher’s room pretending as if the wall behind her was a perfect mirror. This allowed us to talk about and practice making an imaginary “normal line,” measure angles with protractors, and then find out exactly where the incoming light ray would travel if this situation were actually a real-life one.

We then spend the remainder of the lesson reading a handout called, “How is a one-way mirror made?”, which asked us to show how light rays would move through three different objects: mirror, one-way mirror, and glass. 


Lesson 4 - Friday, Nov 8 - Dr. M absent

Today in science: With the help of the wonderful Mr. Barry, students ‘officially’ began their new unit today by creating their Initial Models on a pre-formatted, A3-sized piece of paper. During this important initial model-building activity, Mr. Barry asked students questions such as, “How do electrical circuits work?” and, “What comes to your mind when you think of electrical circuits?” After completing their own personal model, student were then asked to join forces and work together in small groups to created a Consensus Model. This work will continue on Monday.



The DRIVING QUESTION of our current unit is: Why do we see different things when looking at the same object?

D period homework collection days: Wednesday & Friday.

E period homework collection days: Tuesday & Thursday.

Fall Semester Midterm science grades are due for teachers on Monday, 11 Nov. Students can expect to see them soon after that.