FS – G6 Week 19

Lesson 1 - Monday, Jan 20

Today in science: In preparation for Friday’s open-note quiz, students were asked to put begin putting together a sort of Study Guide (aka. a ‘cheat’ sheet). This involved writing two different answers to our Driving Question AND created a paragraph answering the question, What are cells made of/from? One answer was a single word answer while the other was a longer, 5-sentence paragraph-style answer. After this students were told of a short homework assignment requiring them to look up definitions found on the SCIENCEsEDiment Word Glossary for seven different cells organelles: cytoplasm, chloroplast, cell membrane (or plasma membrane), cell wall, mitochondria, nucleus, vacuole

From these definitions, students have been instructed to identify the function (or functions should there be more than key function) of each organelle. To copy the entire definition for each of the words is to do too much as the definitions provided typically discuss both the organelle structure AND the function, but this assignment is only about the name of the structure and its function.

Homework: Follow the directions written above (which are also posted on Veracross) regarding the seven organelle functions. Students can write their answers on paper or type them into a document on their iPad. At the start of Tuesday’s lesson, Dr. M will ask students to see their work. In other words, students don’t need to send (or share) their files with the teacher prior the start of class.

Lesson 2 - Tuesday, Jan 21

Today in science: Continuing our preparation for Friday’s open-note quiz, students were asked to continue putting together a sort of Study Guide (aka. a ‘cheat’ sheet). This involved answering questions about the similarities and differences between animal and plant cells AND identifying the main functions of some common cell organelles by combining our more concise, accurate responses from last night’s homework. Students can now take today’s cell organelle work and combine it with yesterday’s cell work to create their 1-page, 2-sided Study Guide.

Homework: Students should be preparing their 

Lesson 3 - Wed, Jan 22 (D) & Thu, Jan 23 (E)

Today in science: Text

Homework: Text

Lesson 4 - Friday, Jan 24

Today in science: Text

Homework: Text


The DRIVING QUESTION of our current unit is: What happens to the food we eat?

D period homework collection days: Wednesday & Friday.

E period homework collection days: Tuesday & Thursday.

This is last week of the Fall Semester! Spring Semester begins on Monday, Jan 27.