FS – G7 Week 01

Lesson 1 - Thursday, Aug 29th (Opening Day)

Today in Science: Due to a special Opening Week schedule, there is no science class today.

Homework: —

Lesson 2 - Friday, Aug 30th

Today in Science: Due to a special Opening Week schedule, each science class lasted only 25 minutes today. During today’s introductory class, students were given a paper copy of Dr. Merritt’s course syllabus. With this document, Dr. M highlighted some useful class information such as the unique spelling of his first and last names (which feature lots of double consonants), his school email address, the time and day of his weekly Office Hours (Lunch recess on Wednesdays), and some of this year’s main science topics/units. He also made Grade 7 students aware that they need to start looking for a specially formatted notebook to use as this year’s Science Notebook (about which he will have more to say during next week’s science classes).



#1 - Because of this week's special Opening Day(s) schedule, and Monday's weather-dependent MS Class Hikes, students first 'official' science lesson will be next Tuesday, Sept 3rd.

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