FS – G7 Week 08

Lesson 1 - Monday, Oct 14 (No school)

Today in science: —


Lesson 2 - Tue, Oct 15 (B, C) & Wed, Oct 16 (H)

Today in science: Dr. M gave students a paper copy of the Veracross Grade Detail he use when speaking with parents during Parent-Teacher conference (students can generate such reports themselves in Veracross). The grade detail gave Dr. M an opportunity to explain the difference between his “Daily” assignments, which help give students an indication of their overall Effort grade, and “Learner Portfolio” assignments, which show students their Academic (i.e., ‘Letter’) grade. Students were also shown how they can use a certain part of their Veracross Grade Detail to figure out their overall science grade whenever they wish (that way, they never have to wait for Dr. M to update the “Current Science Grade” entry).

While B & C periods continued their preparations for INV#3 including drawing our investigative apparatus, because of Dr. M’s loss of voice H period was asked to get a head start on an assignment meant to help them better develop the precision of their language about atoms, molecules, elements, and compounds.  To accomplish this, students were asked to use their online textbook Exploring Science 7 (don’t use book 8 or 9!), and work on completing the following assignments:

7Ha – “The Air We Breathe,” pp. 120-121. Answer questions 1-7.

7Hb – “Earth’s Elements,” pp. 122-123. Answer questions 1-9 (including all letters).

This assignment should NOT be done in students’ science notebook as it is not an investigation. It must instead be done on properly labelled, properly titled loose leaf sheets of A4 lined (writing) paper. Students were also told they must skip lines between questions.

Homework: For H period, the two assignments listed above are due and will be collected at the START of Friday’s science class.

Lesson 3 - Wed, Oct 16 (B, C) & Thu, Oct 17 (H) - Dr. M absent

Today in science: Due to Dr. M’s loss of voice, B & C periods were asked to get a head start on an assignment meant to help them better develop the precision of their language about atoms, molecules, elements, and compounds.  To accomplish this, students were asked to use their online textbook Exploring Science 7 (don’t use book 8 or 9!), and work on completing the following assignments:

7Ha – “The Air We Breathe,” pp. 120-121. Answer questions 1-7.

7Hb – “Earth’s Elements,” pp. 122-123. Answer questions 1-9 (including all letters).

This assignment should NOT be done in students’ science notebook as it is not an investigation. It must instead be done on properly labelled, properly titled loose leaf sheets of A4 lined (writing) paper. Students were also told they must skip lines between questions.

Homework: For B period, the two assignments listed above are due and will be collected at the END of Lesson 4. For C & H period’s, the two assignments listed above are due and will be collected at the START of Lesson 4.

Lesson 4 - Thu, Oct 17 (B) & Fri, Oct 18 (C, H) - Dr. M absent

Today in science: B period students were asked to turn in their answers to the textbook questions listed below at the START of the lesson, while C & H period students used their online Exploring Science 7 textbook to complete them during the lesson.

7Ha – “The Air We Breathe,” pp. 120-121. Answer question #’s 1-7

7Hb – “Earth’s Elements,” pp. 122-123. Answer question #’s 1-9 (including all letters)

B period students were then asked to use the Exploring Science 7 textbook to work on the following handouts/worksheets:

7Ha-1 “The air we breath”

7Ha-4 “Elements, compounds, and mixtures”

Any B period students able to complete worksheets 7Ha-1 and 7Ha-4 were then asked to work on the following handouts/worksheets:

7Hb-1 “Elements” 

7Hb-4 “Elements names and symbols”

7Hb-7 “Thinking about elements”

As of right now, no due date has been set for these worksheets, so B period students were simply asked to leave them in their mailboxes before leaving the classroom.

Homework: There is no weekend science homework.


The DRIVING QUESTION of our current unit is: How can we make something new that was not there before?

B period homework collection days: Tuesday & Thursday.

C period homework collection days: Wednesday & Friday.

H period homework collection days: Wednesday & Friday.

HEY! ...