The English verb HEAR, meaning “perceive by the ear, listen (to),” is derived from the Old English *heran and/or West Saxon *(ge)hieran, *hyran. Source:

What can our ears tell us about food?

At TASIS, science students have offered a number of answers to this question and their answers have been converted to a series of questions for use in hearing-dependent food investigations…

  1. Identification: What is it? (e.g., It is a potato chip. It is a glass of carbonated water.)
  2. What texture(s) are audibly present? (crunchy, crispy, crackly, squishy, hard, soft, fizzy, etc.)
  3. What sounds are audibly present in the immediate eating environment? (e.g., noisy, calm, silent, clattery, chattery, musical, rhythmic, tranquil, soothing, etc.)
  4. What living creatures are audibly present inside? (e.g., Is there a beetle larvae feeding inside of the chestnut?)

Can you think of other food-related questions that can be answered by hearing?

Some ‘ear-ey’ resources for students…

Last updated: September 2019