Sight (vision, visual sense), hearing (audition, auditory sense), taste (gustation, gustatory sense), smell (olfaction, olfactory sense), and touch (somatosensation, somatosensory sense) are traditionally recognized as “the 5 senses.”

Flavour Reports

All professional scientists face the same challenge: If no one hears about the results of their scientific investigations, then it’s almost as if they never performed the investigation! To overcome this challenge, scientists write different types of reports to communicate the results of their investigations to other scientists.

After you complete each Flavour Adventure, you will be asked to write a final Flavour Report. Your teacher has created a template for this report so that it mimics the purpose, structure, and organization of a real scientific report.

Writing your Flavour Report

The master template for the Flavour Reports, which takes the form of a Google Document, can be accessed HERE. You will notice, however, that you will not be able to edit or type in the document upon opening it. That’s because you haven’t been given editing permissions. Instead, if you want to be able to type within the document you must make a copy of it by going to the “File” menu and selecting the “Make a copy” option. When you do this, Google will open a dialogue box that allows you to 1) rename the document, and 2) save it to a folder of your choice on your Google Drive.

Dr. Merritt recommends that you save the file to your shared ##A – Flavour Reports folder and rename the it with a name such as Flavour Report 01 – Cherry tomato, Flavour Report 02 – Goldenberry, Flavour Report 03 – [Specimen Name]…etc.

Improving your Flavour Report

The one-page evaluation used by Dr. Merritt to evaluate your Flavour Report is linked to ‘layers’ of rubrics designed for use both before and/or after writing your reports. Following these question-driven rubrics will improve your chances of meeting or exceeding the assignment expectations.

# Section Layer
0 Header 0 – Content & format
1 Introduction 1A – Subject sentence
1B – Paragraph (content)
1C – Paragraph (format)
2 Method 2A – Materials
2B – Procedures
2C – Safety & Disposal
3 Results 3A – Sensory data table
3B – One-sentence summaries
4 Discussion 4 – Questions
5 Research 5A – Citations
5B – End references

Turning in your Flavour Report

Because you already shared a Google Drive folder with Dr. Merritt, he will have automatic access to the final (digital) version of your Flavour Report. However, he still requires you to submit (turn in, hand in) a printed copy on the day the Report is due. When printing your final Flavour Report, you do not need to print a color copy. In fact, a black-and-white copy is preferred. Just be sure to you use the A4-sized, line-free printer/copy paper. If your report is two (or more) pages, then Dr. Merritt encourages you to print in the back-to-back format to save paper. If your printer cannot print in that format, that’s fine, but then you must present your final report as separate pages properly stapled together (no paper clips, no plastic document sleeves, etc.).

The 2019-20 Flavour School Gift Registry

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Last updated: November 2019