Expectations-based | Credit-based

Dr. Merritt typically uses a two-category classification system of credit for all non-revisable assignments:

Credit (C) = 1 point
No Credit (NC) = 0 points

However, he occasionally makes use of a third category, Partial Credit (PC), in which students may receive point values between 0.25-0.75 points.

How does one earn full credit on a non-revisable assignment?

In order to receive full credit on a non-revisable assignment, the assignment must be:

1) Your assignment is LABELLED correctly. This means that your STUDENT # and the DATE (either the date started or data completed) is visible at the top, right hand corner of the first page.

2) Your assignment is TITLED correctly. This means that a proper ASSIGNMENT TITLE is visible at the TOP of the first page. A ‘proper’ title will be a) brief, b) informative, c) accurate, and d) centered. Your assignment title should also include the assignment type in the title (e.g., Homework, Classwork, Project, Special Writing Assignment, Lab Notebook, etc.)

3) Your assignment is COMPLETED, to the best of your ability. This means that you have completed as much of the assignment as you were capable of finishing. If there are unanswered questions or unperformed tasks, there should be visible EVIDENCE present to show that you gave the question or task your best effort.

4) Your assignment is LEGIBLE, which means READABLE. This means that your teacher can understand all of the WORDS, NUMBERS, and SYMBOLS (including lines and other shapes) included in your assignment.

5) Your assignment is on a type of paper that is WELL-SUITED to the task. This means that, for example, a graphing assignment is completed on GRAPHING paper and a writing assignment is complete on RULED, LINED paper.

6) Your assignment is in a pen, pencil, or ink color that is WELL-SUITED to the task. This means that, for example, words, phrases, and sentences should almost always be written in DARK pencil or BLUE or BLACK pen ink. If typed, the font COLOR should be black, the font SIZE should be 12-pt., and the font TYPE should be either Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri.

7) Your assignment is in an ACCEPTABLE physical condition. This means that, for example, multiple papers should be STAPLED at the top, left-hand corner. Papers should not be excessively WRINKLED, TORN, or CRUMPLEDAll spiral-bound ‘frizzled’ edges have been REMOVEDPapers should not be WET or DAMP.

Assignments that do not meet these seven key criteria will be assigned No Credit or, in some cases, Partial Credit.

Does Dr. Merritt accept “late” credit-based assignments?

The answer to this question is: “No, he does not.” Credit-based, non-revisable assignments such as Homework and Classwork will not be accepted after the due date.