A curiosity mode inspired by the worldview of author, illustrator, and conceptual artist, Keri Smith

Observe for long durations (and short ones).

Notice the stories going on around you.

Everything is interesting. Look closer.

Alter your course often.

Always be looking.

What are you waiting for? The world around you is wondrous. Explore it!

One pathway to radical curiosity is to become an avid explorer of your everyday life/world. To this end, there is no greater guide to follow than Canadian author and illustrator, Keri Smith. Miss Smith has been writing and publishing life-altering books since 2003, but one of her most useful for those aspiring towards radical curiosity is her, How to Be an Explorer of the World: Portable Life Museum.

In this highly original book, Smith presents a her own unique formulation of “field research,” in which she encourages her readers to complete–in any order they choose–59 different “Explorations.” All 59 Explorations are undergirded by five actions Smith claims are central to both the work of artists and scientists. She identifies the five underlying actions as follows… 





Notice Patterns

Dr. Merritt’s students will immediately recognize these five actions from many of the activities, routines, and investigations forming the core of his science classes. Whilst it is also true that these actions have much in common with key aspects of SCIENCEsEDiment’s NoticerNaturalist, and Scientist modes, in Smith’s imaginative hands the five actions are infused with unparalleled amounts of fun, pleasure, and mischief.

After completing all 59 of Keri Smith’s Explorations, Dr. M is confident that all readers–or rather, all explorers–will have taken a giant leap forward in their quest for radical curiosity.

The book you need...

Author: Keri Smith
Publisher: Penguin Books
Publication date: 2008
ISBN: 978-0-241-95388-4

Beyond Exploration #59...

Although Smith’s Explorations number 59 in total, Dr. Merritt has been collecting and inventing additional Explorations for those craving even more field research training. Explorers beware, however: the use of this carefully curated collection of additional activities is most beneficial only after working one’s way through all 59 Explorations in Miss Smith’s How to Be an Explorer of the World.  

Coming soon!

The 60s

The 70s

The 80s

The 90s

Other cool books by Keri Smith...

"At any given moment, no matter where you are, there are hundreds of things around you that are interesting and worth documenting."