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SS – G6 Week 02

Lesson 1 - Monday, Jan 29 (All periods)

Focus Question: Why does the temperature of the liquid in some cup systems change more than in others?

What We Did…

In B period, students continued transferring the writing they had done on the Planning and Carrying Out Investigations handout into the Google Document assigned to them by Dr. Merritt in the Google Science Classroom. Many students are now getting to the section where they are entering they’re data tables, which means we’re getting close to performing our experiment.

In E period, students were introduced to water molecules and the Periodic Table of the Elements. To help students visualize how water molecules change their behavior in the three basic states of matter–solid, liquid, and gas–Dr. M used a States of Matter simulation.

What We Figured Out…

How We Represented It…


Lesson 2 - Tues, Jan 30 (B & E) & Wed, Jan 31 (G)

Focus Question: Text 

What We Did…

In all periods, students continued transferring the writing they had done on the Planning and Carrying Out Investigations handout into the Google Document assigned to them by Dr. Merritt in the Google Science Classroom. Many students are now getting to the section where they are entering they’re data tables, which means we’re getting close to performing our experiment.

In B & G periods, students were introduced to water molecules. To help students visualize how water molecules change their behavior in the three basic states of matter–solid, liquid, and gas–Dr. M used a States of Matter simulation.

What We Figured Out…

How We Represented It…

Homework: Students have been asked to work for 20 minutes on their “CCT#5 – Procedures & Materials” Google Document, which is housed in the Google Science Classroom. Students had time to work on this assignment in class, but tonight at home they should try to make more progress on it so that it is more complete by the start of their next science lesson than it was when they left Tuesday’s (B & E period) or Wednesday’s (G period) science class.

Lesson 3 - Wed, Jan 31 (B) & Thurs, Feb 1 (E & G)

Focus Question: Text 

What We Did…

In all periods, students continued transferring the writing they had done on the Planning and Carrying Out Investigations handout into the Google Document assigned to them by Dr. Merritt in the Google Science Classroom. Dr. M had many groups do a sort of ‘rehearsal’ exercise to improve their step-by-step procedures.

What We Figured Out…

How We Represented It…

Homework: Text

Lesson 4 - Thurs, Jan 1 (B) & Fri, Jan 2 (E & G)

Focus Question: Text 

What We Did…

In all periods, students finished transferring the writing they had done on the Planning and Carrying Out Investigations handout into the Google Document assigned to them by Dr. Merritt in the Google Science Classroom. Before doing so, Dr. M went through the document section-by-section with each class to help students polish their final product before submitting it.

What We Figured Out…

How We Represented It…



The DRIVING QUESTION of our current unit is: How can containers keep stuff from warming up or cooling down?

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