SS – G7 Week 05

Lesson 1 - Monday, Feb 24

Today in Science: The best way for students to follow the plant-related work we did in today’s class is to refer to Dr. Merritt’s WFP Development Log, which lists the this lesson’s activities and expectations. 

Homework: Students are encouraged to spend 20 minutes outside of class making progress on this week’s (required) daily Development Log entries.

Lesson 2 - Tue, Feb 25 (B, C) & Wed, Feb 26 (H)

Today in Science: The best way for students to follow the plant-related work we did in today’s class is to refer to Dr. Merritt’s WFP Development Log, which lists the this lesson’s activities and expectations. 

Homework: Students are encouraged to spend 20 minutes outside of class making progress on this week’s (required) daily Development Log entries.

Lesson 3 - Wed, Feb 26 (B, C) & Thu, Feb 27 (H)

Today in Science: The best way for students to follow the plant-related work we did in today’s class is to refer to Dr. Merritt’s WFP Development Log, which lists the this lesson’s activities and expectations. 

Homework: Students are encouraged to spend 20 minutes outside of class making progress on this week’s (required) daily Development Log entries.

Lesson 4 - Thu, Feb 27 (B) & Fri, Feb 28 (C, H)

Today in Science: The best way for students to follow the plant-related work we did in today’s class is to refer to Dr. Merritt’s WFP Development Log, which lists the this lesson’s activities and expectations. On this day, however, Dr. M made the special announcement that if students find their plants look quite similar to their previous entry, then they can choose not to add another entry to their Development Logs and use today’s class time to improve and/or complete their previous entries, which are due by the end of today’s class.

To help students improve their caption writing, Dr. M created a caption-writing resource in the Notes Portal.



The DRIVING QUESTION of our current unit is: Where does food come from?

C & H period homework collection days: Wednesday & Friday.

B period homework collection days: Tuesday & Thursday.

This week marks the fifth full week of the new Spring Semester.