SCIENCEsEDiment presents...


One of the reasons why students might find it difficult to learn science is because of the sheer volume of symbolic representation used in science: there are symbols for each of the 118 elements on the Periodic Table; there are symbols for frequently used words (e.g, energy = E, mass = m, and volume = V); and there are symbols assigned to many of the hazardous chemicals used in laboratories). In actual practice, much of the language of science done with and through symbols.

There is no magical way to learn the most frequently used symbols in science. Rather, it’s a matter of exposure and practice. The symbol galleries are designed to help familiarize you with the most commonly used and encountered science symbols and understand their meaning(s). The practice part is really up to you.

Element symbols

Coming soon…

Equipment symbols

Coming soon…

Hazard symbols

If, instead of symbols, it’s a good old fashioned word glossary you’re looking for–or maybe even a root words or a numbers glossary–then look no further than the buttons below.

Last updated: September 2024