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DISSOLVED OXYGEN (DO) of (aqueous) solutions

DIVERSITY of macroinvertebrate communities EFFECTS of organic pollution on macroinvertebrate communities HEIGHT of tall objects LENGTH LIGHT ABSORPTION by chemical substances LIGHT MASS – by using different types of balances. The balances included below are arranged according to the amount of precision they provide (from least to most).
  • Even more precise: Analytical Electronic balances
  • Most precise: Micro-Analytical Electronic balances
MOISTURE in soil OXYGEN (O2) GAS in air pH of (aqueous) solutions
  • Using litmus paper
  • Using pH test strips
  • Using a universal indicator solution
  • Using Vernier’s pH sensor
PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS of stream channels READING SCALES of lab instruments SURFACE AREA TEMPERATURE TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS in (aqueous) solutions TURBIDITY of (aqueous) solutions VOLUME of liquids
  • Using graduated cylinders (Video 1)(Video 2) (Video 3) (Video 4, which pays special attention to accuracy, precision, and uncertainty)
  • Using beakers, cylinders, Erlenmeyer flasks, and volumetric flasks (Video 1)
VOLUME of irregular shaped (solid) objects

Do you have a MEASUREMENT that you’d like to see added to this section? If so, please tell Dr. M about it through the Comment feature below.