Engagement | Exploration | Explanation | Elaboration | Evaluation
In this first stage of the Mud Creek Case Study, you will do things such as:
- Reflect on your previous life experiences
- Communicate your prior knowledge and experiences to others
- Define key terms
- Develop a shared language to make it easier to communicate with others (e.g., students, teachers, scientists, etc.)
- Identify problems to solve, decisions to be made, and/or conflicts to be resolved
- Make lists of…
- things you know
- things you need
- things you need to know
- things you want to know
- Ask questions
- Seek clarification(s)
- Share your curiosity and enthusiasm with others
- Make (lots of) mistakes; correct mistakes; make (lots of) new mistakes
In this unit, our Engagement (or Engage) stage includes:
- Recording your observations/descriptions of 8 stream sites (4 natural and 4 urban streams)